Friday, August 29, 2014

Another example of my continuing experiments with Kanzashi. All but the white flowers are made with standard cotton, the leaves are cotton, and the white flower is made from a polyester blend, I believe.

The cord is one of my old kumihimo experiments that I never got around to finishing - the colors went well with my friend's kimono, so I began a conversion using wooden beads that I picked up from Wal-Mart.

In previous projects, I was never really happy with how the leaves turned out - from the top, it looked like a leaf, but from the bottom, it showed the seams and underside of the fabric. I'm a fan of hiding signs that something was made and leaving visible the finished product, so I sort of improvised. Using a simple fold that I've used to created pointed flower petals, I was able to work out that they made an effective leaf if done properly, and it looks a heck of a lot better than the previous ones.

So, this little floral arrangement still needs a little tweaking and fine-tuning at some point, but my friend loved it, which is what counts in the long run!

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